I recently visited my hometown and got to catch up with some old friends. As we reminisced about the past, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. It's funny how memories have a way of transporting us back in time, even if just for a moment.
One memory that stood out to me was playing in the snow as a child in Dongbei. I remember the snow burying almost the entire ground floor of my apartment building and how I felt like a child opossum digging around in a boundless fluffy featherbed. It was a magical moment that has stayed with me all these years. During my recent road trip in the rural areas of Dongbei with my friend 欣, I was struck by how much the landscape had changed. The economic recession had diluted the crowds, but endless rolling mountains and snow-covered rice fields brought back memories of my childhood. As a transplant, I sometimes feel disconnected from the sunshine State of California. But these moments of nostalgia remind me of where I came from and the experiences that shaped me. I've come to appreciate the power of memories and the importance of staying connected to our roots, even as we move forward in life. Reflecting on my trip and the conversations with old friends, I realize that memories are a powerful reminder of our shared humanity. Whether we're Chinese or American, we all have memories that shape us and connect us as human beings. I hope we all have the wisdom to remember.
To something we are all going to lose in the end.
at Oak Park, California
April, 2023